Happy 1108 Birthday 'Magelang' City

April 11, Magelang City yesterday celebrated the birthday of the year 1108. Magelang is my hometown, here a lot of history and experience I have gained. I'll tell you a little history about the founding of the town of Magelang.

Anniversary set Magelang Magelang Regional Regulation No. 6 of 1989, that April 11 is the anniversary of 907 AD. This determination is a follow-up of seminars and discussions conducted by researchers Anniversary Committee Magelang; in collaboration with the University of Magelang Tidar with historical and archaeological experts assisted the University of Gajah Mada, Drs.MM. Soekarto Kartoatmodjo, equipped with a wide range of research at the National Museum and Library-Museum Radya Surakarta. 

Magelang town began its history as a fief Mantyasih village, which is currently known as Kampung Village Meteseh in Magelang. Mantyasih itself has a sense of faith in the Love. In the village there are currently Meteseh a stone mortar that is believed to be the determination of Sima or Perdikan ceremony.

To trace back the history of Magelang , resources are used inscription Inscription POH , and Inscription Inscription GILIKAN Mantyasih . All three are parsasti written on a piece of copper .

Inscription written Mantyasih POH and Hindu Mataram era when the reign of King Rake Watukura Dyah Balitung ( 898-910 AD ) , in this inscription mentioned the existence of the village and the name of the village Glangglang Mantyasih . Mantyasih is then turned into Meteseh , while Glangglang turned into Magelang .

In Mantyasih inscription contains , among others , the mention of the name of King Rake Watukura Dyah Balitung , as well as the mention of the numbers 829 Çaka months Çaitra 11 Paro - Dark Paringkelan Tungle , Market Umanis SCARA Senais day or Saturday , in other words Legi Saturday April 11, 907 . In this inscription also called Mantyasih village established by Sri Maharaja Rake Watukura Dyah Balitung as Perdikan village or local tax free led by officials duke . Also mentioned Mount SUSUNDARA and Wukir SUMBING now known as Mount Sindoro and Mount Sumbing .

That Magelang , which later developed into the city then became the capital city of residency Kedu and also once the capital city of Magelang Regency . After the independence the city became a municipality and township and then in the era of reform , in line with the provision of autonomy - the extent of the area , the municipal designation deleted and replaced into the city .

When the British control of Magelang in the 18th century , the city dijadikanlah as the central government and district level Ngabehi Danukromo Mas was appointed as the first regent . Regent is precisely what then pioneered the establishment of Magelang to build Alun - square , residential buildings and a mosque Regents . In a further development was chosen as the capital city of Magelang Kedu residency in 1818 .

After the British conquered by the Dutch government , the stronger the position of Magelang . By the Dutch government , the town center traffic made ​​the economy . Moreover, because of its strategic location , convenient air and beautiful scenery then made City Magelang Military : Dutch Government continues to complement the urban infrastructure . Water tower built in the middle of the city in 1918 , the electric company began operations in 1927 , and roads - arterial roads paved and asphalted .

Happy Birthday my City. Hopefully Magelang can be better . :) 
Title : Happy 1108 Birthday 'Magelang' City
Description : April 11, Magelang City yesterday celebrated the birthday of the year 1108. Magelang is my hometown, here a lot of history and experien...

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